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uma moralidade--THE SUGAR BOWL

Deixei cair o novo
açucareIro esta manhã
e foi culpa minha
seja por ansiedades,
seja por mortificação,
causou- se uma burrasca
taõ brutal
que muitos quasi a golpes:vieram
alguns diziam que era coisa de valor,
y pediam vinganza;
os paciifista reiam desta absurdidade
dizendo cum rãzão
que nada podia ser coisa
tão seria
para fazerem guerra
amigos e vizinhos:
estableceu-se uma trègua…
a qual não durou tempo muito


assim è a naturaleza humana
sempre procurando bicho
na canja...

I dropped the new sugar bowl
this morning
and that was a bad thing !
it caused such a storm
people almost came to blows
some said it was a piece
of precious value, a holy thing
and cried vengeance;
the Pacifists laughed saying
with reason that nothin so trivial
was nothing worth a war
between friends and neighbors;
I was left in the middle
when a truce was declared
but it didn’t last
more than a moment
or two...or three

we see
what is truly
the nature of Man:
always looking for the bug
in the soup....
but are precious they
who will not be duped

Editing stage: 


not your intention Joe, but this kinda put a smile on my face this morning.
When I lose something-even if valuable, I try to remember how thousands of people are losing their homes, kids and lives around the world eveyday. I feel relieved then.
Some food for thought. To have the sugar bowl broken is definitely not the end of the world.
Thanks for sharing.

P.s. a typo I think you wanted [dropped]


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

theme to plot theme to plot

the sugar bowl is just a mcguffin in the story plot. A plot which is intended to elucidate the theme...the crazy, mixed up absurd nature of man.

That it is a sugar bowl, is the least important bit of information in the story.

" mcguffin."..a term coined by Alfred for a better definition than I could give

literality is sometimes anathema to the intent and purpose of the author.

this is just me expressing my over-reaction to your observations on the poem.


for the clarification. And please forgive my ignorance.
I see now what joe wanted.
I'll sure google for 'mcguffin' for more information.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

I was enjoying the read until I discovered I don't know any Portuguese(?)
but kept reading until, voila! I started to understand, only slowly realizing it had shifted into English...(kidding, of course)

another good piece of story telling


You'll probably be amused to know I did actually put this on google to translate :-)
You would probably be even more amused by the translation.
I scratched my head a bit and wondered if a Portuguese sugar bowl had more hidden metaphor than an English one.
I have enjoyed your translation much more.

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

thanks, Jane, there are things that I can express in anothjer language, translaltion not good, but it is needed, can't leave ya'll in dark,

I have Braizilian aid;-I speak portuiguese all morning./ guess it set me off to write

joe for joe

author comment


this is probably not the best time or place for this, but...ok... it's your turn!
what the hell are you talking about
I can't now, and have never been able to comprehend a single sentence you have ever posted. Does this mean you have earned your existence , or are you just fucking with everyone, bamboozling some, because of their kindly nature, or pity.

stop trying to be so mysterious. It is extremely annoying


............................ the authorities, or the police, or your shrink
I stand by what I said

you have commented on several of my works, your memory is faulty
and, you have also pm'd me, though that was several years ago.

that "never known nor read you" bit was bull shit.

I don't like bullshit!
I don't like you
live with it!


the comment was redundant. I am "clearing up' my posts and repetitive comments of mine

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because my way of worshipping the God of peace is different from your way of worshipping the same God of peace, I'll kill you to prove that my way is right.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

you hit it on the nail. powerful observation .


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FADO - A beautiful Portuguese Song: Lágrima - Dulce ... - YouTube
Video for youtube fado▶ 5:29
Dec 21, 2010 - Uploaded by Frank Cole
Lágrima is my favourit song in my mother language -

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