Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


"Sonnets"...Let's Know More


Leader: Rula Y. H.
Moderator(s): Sir Wesley Snow

Objectives:To know more about two types of sonnets; The Italian (Petrarchan) sonnet and the English (Elizabethan) sonnet

_ To introduce the history of the two types of the sonnets.

_The participants are supposed to write two sonnets;
1- an Italian sonnet
2-an Elizabethan sonnet

Level of expertise: Open to all

Thu, 01/22/2015

Quartz arrowhead contest

*Note - we have updated Stan's contest (originally started on November 13, 2014) to work within the new contest platform on Neopoet.*

Humor In Poetry

Description:A discussion on using humor in poetry writing. An exercise in using humor followed by writing two poems

Leader: China Blue
Moderator(s): JudyAnne

Objectives:learning how to write poetry with humor

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter:looking at the lighter side of poetry writing

Wed, 01/07/2015 to Wed, 01/21/2015

Renga 12 ''Winds Of Life''

Workshop: Renga 12 “Winds Of Life”

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to collaboratively write and learn Japanese poetry writing. In this workshop you will learn to write (4) four different Japanese poetry form.

1. Haiku three lines of poetry written with 5/7/5 syllables
2. Senyru three lines of poetry written with 5/7/5 syllables
3. Tanka five lines of poetry written with 5/7/5/7/7 syllables
4. Renga a string of tanka poems from two or more poets.

Leader: Barbara Writes
Moderator(s) Ian. T

Wed, 11/26/2014 to Tue, 01/13/2015

Workshop: Renga 11 “Dedications”

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to collaboratively write and learn Japanese poetry writing. In this workshop you will learn to write (4) four different Japanese poetry form.

1. Haiku three lines of poetry written with 5/7/5 syllables
2. Senyru three lines of poetry written with 5/7/5 syllables
3. Tanka five lines of poetry written with 5/7/5/7/7 syllables
4. Renga a string of tanka poems from two or more poets.

Leader: Barbara Writes
Moderator(s) Alidzain

Mon, 10/27/2014 to Mon, 11/03/2014

"The Right Word"

Description: A shop which will show there Is a difference between using words and using the Right words.There will be ongoing discussion as well as "fill in the blank" and second party editing on poetry.

Leader: scribbler
Moderator(s): wesley

Objectives:We will use discussion as well as exercises in order to help people put more thought into the word usage in their poetry.

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter: Expanding people's awareness of how much just a few "right" words can greatly improve their poetry.

Tue, 11/18/2014 to Thu, 12/18/2014

Can you make a limerick serious?


The very form of the limerick makes it sound humorous.
This short workshop sets the very simple exercise of writing a limerick, true to form, with entirely non-lewd or humorous content. Content of a serious, philosophical, beauteous or emotional nature.
Far more difficult than it sounds.
It will teach us a lot about form versus content.

Mon, 11/03/2014 to Wed, 12/03/2014

Storytelling in Verse: A Study in Pink.

Description: "A Study in Pink" is the title of an experimental collaborative workshop attempting to write a story in verse by its participants in "round robin" form.

Leader: Wesley Snow
Moderator(s): Rula, Barbara Writes

Objectives: To give the opportunity for poets to work together as a community writing a story in verse.

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter: "A Study in Pink" will be a horror/murder mystery with an ensemble of characters.

Fri, 09/26/2014 to Sun, 10/26/2014

Storytelling in Verse: Dramatic Verse.

Description: A workshop to explore the concept of Dramatic Verse

Leader: Wesley
Moderator(s): Rula

Objectives: To write and critique both a monologue and a small one act play with multiple characters in verse.

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter: Held within Storytelling in Verse we will write theatrical style poetry (closet theater) and discuss prose versus poetry, characterization, dialects of characters, reflection in the monologue and story structure in the play.

Sun, 09/07/2014 to Tue, 10/14/2014

Workshop: Renga 10 "Birds of a Feather"

Workshop: Renga 10 "Birds of a Feather"

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to collaboratively write and learn Japanese poetry writing. In this workshop you will learn to write (4) four different Japanese poetry form.

1. Haiku
2. Senyru
3. Tanka
4. Renga

Leader: Barbara Writes

Sun, 08/31/2014 to Sun, 09/14/2014


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