Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Renga 9 "Hatred's Legacy"

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to come and post verses of poetry to "Eternal Renga" So, come as a group or individual and post your verses anytime. This is an ongoing collaborative effort that could go on for hundreds of verses. A truly Neopoet group effort. Let's co-operate to create a truly Neopoet poem.

Leader: Barbara Writes

Objectives: To have everyone at Neopoet collaborating a Renga poem.

Level of expertise: Open to all.

Mon, 08/04/2014 to Mon, 08/18/2014

A NEW FORM ( let's begin)

Description:A shop exploring a new form of poetry which can encompass almost any form. It's called "Morphing" and an example will be shown below. We will first discuss the form then will each write their own poem using the form and then comment on one another's poems. There are very few "wrong" ways to write using this form and whatever form you prefer will be able to be used within your poem. This is going to be a fun and participant driven shop of short duration so don't be afraid to join in

Leader: Stan Holliday

Mon, 08/04/2014

Renga 8 "A Song Of Passion"

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to come and post verses of poetry to "Eternal Renga" So, come as a group or individual and post your verses anytime. This is an ongoing collaborative effort that could go on for hundreds of verses. A truly Neopoet group effort. Let's co-operate to create a truly Neopoet poem.

Leader: Barbara Writes

Objectives: To have everyone at Neopoet collaborating a Renga poem.

Level of expertise: Open to all.

Sun, 07/20/2014 to Sun, 07/27/2014

To serve poet.

Option One.

1 First slaughter the beast.
2. Skin very carefully, poet's hides vary between very thick and very, very thin.
3. Remove all choice cuts of flesh, they can be useful.
4. Remove all organs. -The brain provides delicious varied tastes, ranging from the delicate and sweet to chewy and shrivelled lumps of bitterness.
5. The heart is the prime choice, often disguised but always huge, sometimes misplaced.
6. Avoid the liver, it is often diseased.

Option Two.

Thu, 05/22/2014 to Sun, 06/22/2014

Renga By the Pool

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to come and post verses of poetry to "Eternal Renga" So, come as a group or individual and post your verses anytime. This is an ongoing collaborative effort that could go on for hundreds of verses. A truly Neopoet group effort. Let's co-operate to create a truly Neopoet poem.

Leader: Barbara Writes

Objectives: To have everyone at Neopoet collaborating a Renga poem.

Level of expertise: Open to all.

Sun, 05/11/2014 to Sun, 05/18/2014

Come Renga With Neopoets

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to come and post verses of poetry to "Eternal Renga" So, come as a group or individual and post your verses anytime. This is an ongoing collaborative effort that could go on for hundreds of verses. A truly Neopoet group effort. Let's co-operate to create a truly Neopoet poem.

Leader: Barbara Writes

Objectives: To have everyone at Neopoet collaborating a Renga poem.

Level of expertise: Open to all.

Sun, 04/20/2014 to Sun, 04/27/2014

The right amount of imagery (let's begin)

Description: Imagery, what it is and when is too much. Will begin with a discussion on imagery (which will be ongoing throughout shop) Will then move on to a couple of exercises designed to help people start using more imagery without overdoing it. One will be a "fill in the blanks" exercise and the other will be writing a new poem in partnership with another. Each exercise will be open to discussion as the steps are completed by members.

Leader: scribbler

Objectives: To help people become more comfortable in using imagery in their poetry

Wed, 02/26/2014 to Mon, 03/31/2014

The Complete Poem- Start to Finish

Description: A workshop devoted to the mechanical construction of a poem.

Leader: wesley
Moderator(s): Rula

Objectives: To discuss the development of a poem from initial draft through a correction phase to a polished work.

Level of expertise: Open to all

Tue, 01/14/2014 to Fri, 02/14/2014

THE RIGHT WORD .....Let's get started

Description: We will be exploring the difference between using an OK word and using the RIGHT word in poetry. We will begin by reading 2 poems by well known poets (one free verse and one rhyming) which have had words changed here and there. We'll then discuss the impact that minor word changes had on these poems.

Next will come a general discussion of how just a word here and there can significantly affect a poem.

We will then each submit one of our own poems which we feel could be improved by a few word choice changes. This can be either a new poem or an old one.

Mon, 11/25/2013 to Sun, 12/29/2013

The Bottom Line

Description: An exercise in the four basic meter structures with discussion of some of the more esoteric. This will be Meter 101 open to all of the pools. We will again explore iamb, trochee, anapest and dactyl in some detail while holding discussions on spondees, pyrrhics, amphibrachs and more. Participants will work chiefly with quatrains of various meters in tetrameter and pentameter (to be discussed) as well as shorter lines to Alexandrines.

Mon, 09/09/2013 to Wed, 10/16/2013


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