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Olympic Pool (initial workshop) workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Livid(Olym[pic Workshop Anger)

You say you want forgiveness
For all of the wrong you've done
In putting the blame on me

My blood runs cold
At the thought of this
Then begins to do a slow boil

Leaving one
Seriously ill
To fend for themselves alone
Gone from sun to sun
Without so much as a call home

Undergoing so many tests
Not knowing what was wrong
I could have died at anytime
Left ill and on my own

What hurts the most
Is the lie you told
To those that offered their help

Elongated shadows cast
An ice cold chill
upon me is cast

Night birds cry
Foot Falls in the distance
Making the earth
Tremble and quake

Glowing eyes from every tree
Voices whisper
They're following me

As I trod histories ground
There is no shelter
To be found

From these haunted woods
Sanctuary I seek
In answer to my prayers
I hear a shriek

Cold(Olympic Pool)

The touch that I once longed for
Now repulses

Lips once warm and sweet
Have turned calloused and cold

Little innuendos
now chafe and bite

Give them to another
For I no longer can
bear the thought of you


To have or to hold,
to unfold or to be -
live or to die in waiting
or risk the thrill of ecstacy.

sitting in this waiting room
waiting for the fall -
Life has it's own schedule
death knows its time to call

Brush past reception
bolt from the door
rush back into the world -
take uncertainty-as giving more

Mutually exclusive
yet singularly alone
my love for you
acknowledged, recognised
made known


It was love at first sight
Or so they say,
I lost my heart
So why give it Away.

He came unannounced
From the back of beyond
I couldn't believe my eyes!
Here was love,
Here was an angel in disguise

I made an ass of myself
When I was caught in the act -
Lurging forward as if to attack.
He smiled at me, to give me some slack.

So as with Adam
Who blamed it on Eve
I said my goodbyes
and took my leave!

Bj 24 June '11

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