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Rhyme Crimes workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

cold snap (rhyme crimes workshop exercise three)

for three long weeks, non-stop, the south wind blew
and shook the tender trees from bough to bough
while Frosty Jack, he also took a bow
as everybody’s lips and tips turned blue

cyanosed, so many gasped for warmth
attitudes and postures shrank and dimmed
I supposed that once these days were through
multitudes might then no longer be

with thought of frigid death will come despair
too soon aware, so many turn to prayer
in hope that somewhere, somehow words will find
a god who’s kind, who’ll send his fiery breath


Corner Buzz (rhyme crimes assignment #2)

While Wesley went to Washington
we huddled in the corner
muddled by the former need to escape
those hollow halls of who we are
and write, right to the end, bent over blazoned quills,
infectious iridescence, over and beyond the order
of this fine corner.


Dunhold's Bane (Rhyme Crimes Workshop #2)

Dunhold, strewn across the green of wooded vale and hill serene
was like a casket for a maid, with bushes lush and flowers laid.
Her tip would touch the valley's edge where rivers bent in sickle wedge,
her crown would tickle heaven's sky above the perch where eagles fly.


At the Sunset (internal rhyme)(Rhyme Crimes WS)

I always wanted to creep 'n
sleep in your heart-ocean
So deep shall leap my heart
If ever you accept the notion.

Or should I be a commotion,
an abrupt motion in your sea?
Know, I shall always be a wave, brave
to save a love, if stolen from me.


The Spectrum (rhyme crimes)

Opposite ends of the wheel
the distance far too great
you've lost your sense of feel
and for me it's way too late.


The Queen (Rhyme Crimes Workshop #1)

The Queen between the shades of night
and walls of everlasting light
stands silent, as the teeming throng
of subjects good, one million strong

break into chorus, note by note,
of canticles they learned by rote;
they bless her reign with lifted cry
beneath her banner and the sky.


Strange (2nd assignment) (Rhyme Crimes

Strange how does life
point to us as anonymous
though we always have
definite, proper names!

How the cyber
gives a face to a book
though it never has
real eyes or ears or hair.

How does true love
turn fake and burn
the hearts once had
sincerely been inflamed.

Strange how do our
hearts grow away
and strange from
their own space



LIGHTNING BUGS (rhyme crime shop[internal rhyme])

We'd run for fun in the back yard
in guise of catching fireflies' glow
beneath the moon in early June
carefree as only kids can be

Bare toes too quick for mosquitos
to alight or much less bite upon
this time of year it would appear
memories of Memphis haunt the night


WHERE THE HEART IS (rhyme crimes shop)

After many years of roamin'
coast to coast and deepest south
this is the land I make my home in
at the Twelve Mile river's mouth

In sight of eastern great divide
where highest ridges look near blue
here in the foothills I reside
and shall until my days are through


Poet's Choice (exercise 2 rhyme crimes workshop)

A hollow, with pond and a weeping willow
I chanced upon yesterday, as I strayed
from the main train of life with its air of despair
while seeking an ease, an escape, some peace

Amphibian sat on a log, whereat
he croaked a joke I did not comprehend
He blew up his throat and he chortled in thought
as he sought acclamation and ovation due

Kookaburras giggled and earthworms wriggled
in response to the strange words they heard
and magpies cried that all toads lied
and to petition perdition, were on the right road



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