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Rhyme Crimes workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Midday Moon (exercise 1 rhyme crimes workshop)

Surreal and vast, the vision here before me
A landscape harbouring a double will
that seeks a freedom mixing sadness, glee
portrayed and painted with artistic skill

Across abundant, waving ears of green
(impressing, somehow, somewhat too much glow
as if to draw attention from the scene
to hide where, under arbours, secrets grow)

as daisies lazily soak up the sun
and marigolds reflect its amber light
the shadows are obscure and gloomy, dun
the flowers far too incandescent, white


The Arrogant (Rhyme Crimes WS)

I've been here for years
roaming the earth-my land,
Sowing the seeds of fears
with my own cruel hand.

I've committed the sin,
mimicked the demon's deeds,
I stole and killed my kin
Now I'm reaping the weeds.


The Well of Life

by Ian Thomson
My Life, as far as I can tell,
Is like a stone dropped down a well.
It falls free, with uncaring speed,
Yet seems to hold all that I need.

But I know that quite soon the noise;
Those echoes of my woes and joys,
Will disappear like winter geese
As I, with weary splash, find peace.



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