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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I awake to the ever-abiding soul song of life -
the sounds of mothers calling young in fresh near light.
While the timely rooster crows and colour spirits bestir
for control of the far horizon various hued inks fight.

Stirring to the florid smell of sated, calm earth
moisturised by Jack Frost’s recent fresh-dewed call
the distant gentle pound as ocean quenches thirsty shore
a serenity which darkness has settled over all.


I reside in the cold hours of dawn
My pain of existence intensifies
Crystal clear clarity pierces right through me

This hate I feel for myself
Freezes in my veins
Hot tears stain my barren cheeks
And scar my imperfect soul

They say you have to love yourself before others can
But self-loathing is already a part of me
My hostility and sorrow make me who I am

So should I just wallow in the egotistical train of thought
and persist in my hurting?


Susan and I have been snowed in for 4 days................

Of course you know that I love you
but why must you breathe so loud
and every time you come in view
I feel like I'm in a large crowd

I know my rocking chair is squeaking
thus disrupting your slumber
must your lips move so while speaking ?
and you snore like you are cutting lumber

What's that about my new cologne ?
which I use when I groom
won't you just leave me alone
remove Your perfume's cloud from the room

Congratulate me for my Triplets

Some One Awaits

Some one awaits me
Far away in a land called destiny,
He loves me
Not my poetry
But hits a tick for each
He’s married,
A Gemini he,
I told him he’d fall for me.
He swore he won’t,
But yesterday he sent a note
Oh Love,
I miss thee.

None Lover Friend



Ain't it funny how you sold your soul
For a paltry bit of miser's gold?
Your eyes have died, your face is made of wood...
Didn't they tell you now of Judas?
Didn't they tell you how he would as
Soon have paid back twice the sum... if he but could?

Blissfull Sighs

The liquid passion in your eyes
sucks me into the vortex of desire
released from its nether depths
we neck in the bubbly aftermath
floating on its ripples like Swans
soaked in goose bumps
listening to our heart's hub dub
receding into blissful sighs

Innocence lost

The love once shone pure white,
now forever lost from my sight;
A moment lost, I cannot gain back,
of the carefree innocence we now lack
That hour in time eludes capture,
I go on with a wisp of that wonderful rapture.

The Man You See

He goes to work each morning
often before its light
careful to remember
the things he must get right.

The traffic is often heavy
the sky is often grey
but he has to make the best of things
to get him through the day.

He goes back home each evening
sometimes after dark
too late to see those he loves
and take them to the park.

He feels a little weary
with nothing much to say
and slowly drifts off to sleep
too tired to save his day.



When young, I thought my life might leave
A history for those to come,
That my descendants could believe
This ancestor was number one

But now, as time and tide combine
To force this Canute from the strand
I see that all I've left behind
Are footprints fading in wet sand.

My life, I fear, no fairytale
No magic carpet to the stars.
No grief, no mourning, as I fail
Just fond farewell from favourite bar

But this I know, and this is true
My life was great, for I had you

Megaton Pixellation

bruise the grandstand
this empty bystander
shelters eyes with dirty
groans the ragged

you needle works
are shinning like sharp
teeth artifice

This slight and delicate
fever thats fickle
your fist holding love
like a wanton sickle

slip me your pang
of lacerate
how I love your
to medicate
and they cut away the wires
rusted thick like blistered
and you sway in S-curve


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.