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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Oh, but doesn't he look good
much better than when last he stood
now within this fine steel box
soon closed by the coffin's locks

Embalmed to preserve the flesh
( of what import that it look fresh ?)
don't the ones who mourn and care
know that he's no longer there ?

Soon to be put in the ground
hermetically sealed all around
isolated beyond any fault
underneath a concrete vault


Into My Arms
I saw myself embraced
In your arms last night,
Twas in my dream
But now I feel
The warmth of the embrace
Let it stay
Come out of those memories to play
For dreams come to die away
But in life
In our arms place
Love alone,
For ever we do trace.

Kiss me again
Kiss me again
Like last night’s dream
I had a fall you know,
Kiss me the same way
During day
As my life
In your softness ebbs away

On Her Wings

Not so long ago, the journey of life became hard and difficult.
a troubled mind made the waters seem too deep and stormy.
a weakened spirit made the hills feel steep and hard to climb.
a weary heart made the paths seem long and endless.
And the land of hope, joy and peace became distant and impossible to reach.


douse frustrations
in this cascade
wash away cruelties melted
all this border harvest ache
striking like lightening
the tinderwork heart

how this smoulder
in winters depths
like a phantom howl
let loose within
grey ghost of dream gate trace


Some hearts run with ice and fire
cold of hate, heat of desire
with souls formed of solid stone
hence from birth they are alone

What they think is love, pure lust
which in time turns into rust
leaving him to seek elsewhere
for another fool to care

Guard your heart so full and pure
before you open it be sure
ere the push proceeds to shoving
that he's capable of loving






Oh , I knew you wouldn’t go without a whisper,

And I knew you wouldn’t go without a scene-

A love that was burning out, not turning crisper:

 A love that might as well have never been…


Oh, you bore me to the seams

With your sorrows and your dreams,

And the tales of things you gave up just for me-

You tell me when I came,

That I was bound in mental chains,

Beautiful British Blackbird

Beautiful little blackbird
Greeting the first light of dawn
Fluting and chirping his repertoire
Richly waking a sweet summer morn.

Standing atop a gate post
Singing his song so mellow
Distracting and attracting a mate
With his bill and eye ring of yellow.

Plumping his feathery suit
Darting his beak in the soil
Stretching and pulling out juicy worms
That wriggle and curl in a coil.

Porth Joke Beach.

If you were to ask me the place I like the most
it would be Porth Joke Beach on the Cornish coast.
Where walking down to the beach on the path so steep
red poppies and corn marigolds dance at your feet.
Then as you reach the gate at the bottom of the field
a wonderful view of the rocky coastline is revealed.

a thousand miles of silence

a thousand miles of silence

started with one step
over an edge --
never retraced

quiet, too exquisite
to leave behind
and return to cacophony's fray

still live in noise,
but silence is here --
a trusted friend who offers refuge

from helter-skelter of the street
outside the door --
never-ending it seems

cars going, people yelling, occasional gunshots
dogs barking, cat-fights at night
want to turn down the volume

a thousand miles of silence

a thousand miles of silence

started with one step
over an edge --
never retraced

quiet, too exquisite
to leave behind
and return to cacophony's fray

still live in noise,
but silence is here --
a trusted friend who offers refuge

from helter-skelter of the street
outside the door --
never-ending it seems

cars going, people yelling, occasional gunshots
dogs barking, cat-fights at night
want to turn down the volume


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.