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HURT by Johnny Cash

For those who think traditional poetry is dead......

Johnny Cash
This song, originally written and performed by Nine Inch Nails, is of disputed meaning: is it about self harm, doing heroin, or both? Either way, no matter if it reflects… Read More

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

Rhythm and tone and rhyming

Now I know what your thinking what or how does rhythm coincide with tone?
Well my friend rhythm is all in the syllables and tone effects the rhythm
because for example let’s say your tone is a solemn tone then your rhythm
would have to be long and slow . Now if your tone or the feeling your trying to portray
is fresh new vibrant and free then the has to also move free just a little more speed
and little more
rhyming .

imagery lesson 1

Now color usage is key but use it carefully use it on an object that has some significance to the character . Color helps imprint or hammer out an image. But choose your words carefully to make color like a personality or a living being . Ir describe the feeling the color makes up you feel I also just alliteration for build up to the color. Like for example
The bright and new color of blue . You see you don’t just put in a color. It has to have some significance otherwise there would be no reason to put it in.

At long last

Hi folks. I finally got my book completed. It is for sale on Amazon and titled BEYOND TRAILS. I'd like to thank everybody here who helped me hone my meager skills and encouraged me to continue writing . A special thanks to Geezer and all the site owners and operators.Stan Holliday

Wholey self serving announcement

Well, I finally have a real book published. title is BEYOND TRAILS.and will be available via Amazon about July 16.



By John Lars Zwerenz


I have decided to publish this final volume of my verse in this life freely and without any cost to its readers, students, young people, all others, poetry lovers and the like. You all have plenty enough to pay for in this world. I believe my vocation as a poet was chosen for me by God to serve my fellow man out of a spirit of humble service to the common good. May God love you all and bless each and every one of you.

John Lars Zwerenz, June, 2021

Narrative poetry workshop

Just a word of thanks to all who suffered through this workshop. I hope it honed your skills in this type poetry

what really irks me...

is poets who can't be bothered to reply to the responses they get to their works! glad I got that off my chest...

thanx, Cat

On Nights Like This

The crickets talk with me on nights otherwise devoid of a human voice... ... we talk a lot The crickets and I.


I Will Show You

When the nascent moon descends over the old, stone towers
Of you're castle on the hillside, beyond the emerald glades
A breeze carries the hymn of your name as it softly serenades
The stream that rushes by me where me stand among the bowers.

I will grant you roses from the sea and its scarlet bays,
And as a lover's fragrant, eternal souvenir,
Their perfumes shall embrace you, my only love, my dear,
And heaven I will show you, in timeless, mystic ways.

John Lars Zwerenz


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