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In vcu

Bare with me because I’m writing this while in severe pain my head feels a nut caught in a nutcracker getting ready to burst. I haven’t slept. When I arrives
D to vcu I couldn’t stand up straight and keep my balance. There going to do some tests tomorrrow and if they think it’s the shunt then they wi drill the whole in my skull to measure the pressure in my head .

I’m going to vscu hospital tomorrow

I will be admitted into the vscu hospital because of my head pain . They will drill another hole into my skull and see what is wrong.

Face Of An Emergency

I've always been calm in the face of an emergency...
yesterday, I almost lost Steven to an early death of blood
loss. fortunately he calmly listened to my concerns, acting
upon them almost imediately, because he knows through
experience, I am not an alarmist. I don't faint at the
sight of a lot of blood. and I have never become hysterical,
(not since my mother and sister's tried to get me to sign
commitment papers on my father. then I was thirteen, so I
figure it was pardonable.)

Another Bad Fall and damages taken

yesterday after showering, while getting out of the unit, my foot slid on a slippery spot on its floor. I was holding onto the grab bar, but my hand was wet, so I fell and in the process did damage to both hands and both knees (which were replaced) the back of my left hand is worst it has a very deep bruise mostly covering it. and the pinky might be either sprained or broken. paramedics were called and they helped me to get up and to my bed. sorry about not feeling up to posting of poetry or being on line.

*hugs to all who read this, Cat

Back In Time

Anybody wonder why we can't just rewrite history to make it suit ourselves? I do. I hope you understand my heart. Many of the greats Byron, Shelley, Keats and Plath and even Dunbar were people reportedly with lots of deficiencies. Try to put yourself in their place. There is often little know about a great man. The market is glut with poets. Read the greats.
Rewrite them. Copy their style. Use their lines in a contest. Ask the neopoet to finish it up and to change the ending.

Writing Is In My Blood

As soon as I was able to form a word in my mind, I admired the spoken word and the poems that taught me about myself, human nature and life. Literature became cartoons and holiday tales that taught me about character and friendship. I enjoy these stories to this day. They fill me with emotion when friends depart, mothers sacrifice and saviors come in unusual and often little esteemed creatures with big hearts and many,many ruses.


i am 66years old i havehad a few deep relations with women but wish i was married one relationship together everyday all day for thirty years
love is like an oases in the desert you never know of the next oases

the seconds

there is life and nostalgia like dead brown leaves ad dirt in the fall
we live and die each second like spring flowers with snow
syllable life alow dash death one second inspiration the next death
our lives like a play or movie or more like a soap opera
children playing with flowers then the parents leave like death

I am extremely pleased...

at the end result of our new type of workshop! I want to thank all of the people who have participated. This is not the end, by any means! We will take a break and the new one will begin in a couple of days. Candlewitch has the honor of starting the next one, and I for one, am looking forward to the next chapter of this saga. ~ Geezer.

Im not dead, I promise!

Hey guys, sorry I kind of went mia. I currently have a lot of family & work stuff going on. With training to be a pet groomer, making sure none of my leopard geckos try to breed, some recent family tragedies, tearing some ligaments and tendons, and just life in general, I've found myself a bit overwhelmed. I do promise though that at soon as the tornado that is my life calms down, I will be back on frequently. Till then, my time on here will be a bit spotty. Thank yall for understanding :)


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