Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


I am so proud of my fellow poets...

for stepping up and starting to understand how much your comments help each other. Offering encouragement, giving advice and in general, being a help to all, is the way of a Neopoet. Yes, being a Neopoet, is a real thing. In case one doesn't know it, NEO means new; a beginning. We have striven to be a new way to help our fellow poets; by being a family. Thank you all for
your presence here. We are truly becoming the vision that started this site so many years ago. ~ Geezer.

To all my fellow poets...

I realize that an excuse is not an apology, so I offer both for any of the difficulties that I have presented in the last week by being absent from my duties and making mistakes. I have had some serious health issues, due to contracting COVID, on top of my COPD. I will be more on top of my game in the following weeks. I have tested negative for COVID. Thank you, Geezer.

I’m in the hospital again

They drilled another hole in my head To measure the pressure . Where they then did some tests likes making me sit up and when I did it I looked like I was having a stroke the pressure in head went down to-17 it’s supposed to be 35 . The nurses are saying that the neurosurgeons might do surgery on me on wensday .

New Cats

We, recently, adopted two cats: Phoenix and Miko. They are 13 and 12, respectively. We already had one, Mia, who is 13, but wanted another cat or two that would spend time in our laps. Mia has hip problems and is overweight, so she is unable to jump up much.


How does it feel to be 39? lol

The Purpose of My Work

While it is true, I am a novice poet; it is my biased belief that I have ideas to share with the world. My work aims to draw attention to the status quo and by extension, hopefully disrupt it. I may discuss controversial subjects although mostly under the guise of an elaborate metaphor. Poetry is, at its roots, subjective. The reader can extract their own emotions and meaning from a poem.

*this old literary analysis essay of mine is being shared as a sample blog for making a video tutorial*

March 2023 Contest Winners!

Please help us congratulate Our March 2023 contest winners.

Are You New to Neopoet?

If so, please consider joining our latest workshop: Navigating Neopoet.

It is available here:

Or by finding it in the Workshop Menu in the top navigation bar of Neopoet.

My health

After writing the invisible vagabond my health has heedlessly hurtled itself within a spiratic spiral and tomorrow I will be going to vcu where they will drill another hole in my skull and if it shows signs of overdraining then I will have brain surgery. Most likely on Wednesday.
I’ve been trying to write but it’s hard to think when all your thoughts are clustered into ambiguity.
I dedicate my life to my writing .


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