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I had the surgery

Had surgery in chest stomach and head and what they did was put my shunt into the other side of my head so I have like twelve incisions on my body,

My health update

Tomorrow I’ll be going to vcu hospital in which and where I will have another hole drilled into my skull and their going to turn off my shunt to see if I need it
if I don’t need it then I’ll most likely have chest , stomach and brain surgery .

If it comes to that I want you all to know that you mean a lot to me . Especially geezer , lovedly , rosewood and candle witch.
If I can think which is getting more difficult because of pain then I’ll update .

A chalenge: If I were... by: Cat

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this a sign-up sheet only put you names below
any takers?

Exercise In Imagination


Tonight, instead of publishing a poem, I want to remember a friend, someone who was probably the best friend I ever had, and who died a couple of weeks ago. Shaun was someone I could talk about anything with – All the intellectual stuff that just seems to bore most people. We used to discuss Poetry, Art, Music, Philosophy, Religion, History, Science, Mathematics, Photography and so on. Shaun was my teacher and mentor for a lots of stuff in the Arts and Philosophy and Music. I'm listening to "Life Worth Living" by Uncle Tupelo.

Health update

For several weeks I’ve been having these terrible headaches so I went to vcu because Chkd ran out of ideas and I’m back to where I was before with an over draining shunt and bounded to my bed for god knows how long. Well I have to wait for VCU would Schedule a mri scan to see what’s causing the problem so they can fix it.


Nostalgic clap, clap dance

What a lovely dance you portray
nostalgia overcame me reading this
as I once held her close and tight
right in the middle of the floor
all glared with open wild and wide eyes
as they saw,
I pulled her in and tickled her here and there
unmindful of the others glare
they all did smile and stare
then clapped as I kissed her then and there

Form and message

Often the visual form of a poem can be a way to reinforce the message of a poem. Just a little something to consider

I will be gone...

tomorrow, not sure how long. my computer is going into the shop again...damn Microsoft! my e-mail is all screwed up yet AGAIN! last time this happened I got it back right away. let's hope for the same.

*warmly, Cat

How to evoke emotion

Use your words carefully because your words depending on which ones you use effects your tone .
And your tone effects the overall feel of your poem .


When Lights go out Come Again
When lights go out come again
think of me
a lonely bird flying sky high
am I the eagle you are in search

come to me when the lights go off
comfort me more than yourself
many told me today
they read me I'm good
but they leave no comments
lest I burst
they know not the time of travel
to the invisible universe
written in the language of the galaxy

even day light cannot change it
so abide with me


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