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Aging (Getting Older)

Growing older, life's magic starts to show
The world opens up, and its secrets we now know.
But with each passing day, our colors dull
Youthful vibrance replaced by a muted lull.

Coffee has become our new daily drink
Staying energized, it's our new link.
No more rebelling, we want to stay
Inside, where it's safe, our minds are at bay.

But with age comes pain, and love that's true
Days of joy mixed with moments of blue.
The bad days seem to outnumber the good
But we kept moving, as we knew we should.

Millions of photos, stored in our minds
Memories of moments, one of a kind.
Each one holds a piece of our story
A reminder of life's fleeting glory.

As we age, we hold onto each day.
Knowing that time will soon slip away.
But amid this bittersweet truth
We find the beauty, in every wrinkle and youth.

With each year, we learn and grow
The magic of the world starts to show.
And though our colors may slightly fad,
The depth of our soul will never degrade.

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A good mix of the ups and downs of aging. I especially like the references to the depth of colors. Your rhyme is nice and tight - I really like the last two lines! (I believe "fad" s/b "fade")
You've covered most feelings and convictions of getting older, at least, mine. :)
Thank you!

that your meter is very ragged. I think that you can even it up, by taking a word or syllable out from some lines
and making it smoother.

Growing old, life's magic starts to show
The world opens up, secrets we know
With each passing day, our colors dull
Youthful vibrance replaced by a lull

This can be a really good piece. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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