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I fix people because I can't fix myself
What's broken inside, can't find no help
I'm a fixer that's just the way I am wired
Fixing things is how I cope

I take on the burdens of others
I try to see what's really there
I carry and carry and carry
And it's all because I can't repair

My own inner struggle and pain
That I keep tucked away
No one can see it, no one can know
So I search for something to save

I try to fix people, to make them feel better.
I want to give someone else hope.
But when I look in the mirror, I can't find myself.
I'm a fixer that just the way I am wired.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

Title: Fixer


The poem "Fixer" explores the theme of self-reflection and the desire to help others as a means of coping with one's own struggles. The speaker presents themselves as someone who takes on the burdens of others and tries to fix them, while acknowledging their own inability to fix themselves.

One strength of the poem is its clear and concise language. The use of short, straightforward lines effectively conveys the speaker's feelings of frustration and longing. The repetition of the phrase "I'm a fixer that's just the way I am wired" emphasizes the speaker's self-perception and adds a sense of consistency to the poem.

However, the poem could benefit from further development in terms of imagery and metaphor. While the concept of being a "fixer" is central to the poem, it would be interesting to see more vivid descriptions or comparisons that bring this idea to life. This could help to create a stronger emotional impact and engage the reader on a deeper level

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I, too, am a fixer. Perhaps for the same reasons as you have outlined in your poem. I keep feeling like the powers that be seem to send me folks to fix but I am not good at it nor can I fix myself. With respect to the poem, a little restructuring in the way of flow and rhyme would really make it stand out. Maybe saying in the first stanza:

I fix people because I can't fix myself
What's broken inside, there is no help
Being a fixer gives me hope
Fixing things is how I cope

And try that throughout the rest of the poem and see if that works for you. Good job!


Thank you!

I completely agree it needs some restructuring! i appreciate your kind words and your idea.

Thank you :)

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