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Challenge, Things That Make Me Smile

Things that make me smile,
A baby's laughter, pure and wild,
The warmth of the sun upon my face,
A gentle breeze, a sweet embrace.

The smell of rain, a petal's kiss,
A loved one's touch, pure bliss,
A cup of tea on a chilly day,
A handwritten note, words that stay.

A silly joke, a playful jest,
An unexpected person, a new guest
The beauty of a starry night,
The birds in the midst of flight.

A kind act, a helping hand,
These moments make life grand,
A genuine smile on my baby’s face
Creates for me the perfect place

So I cherish these moments, big or small,
They bring delight, they enthrall,
For in these moments, life is worthwhile,
These are the things that make me smile.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Challenge, Things That Make Me Smile" adheres well to a consistent rhyme scheme, which aids in creating a rhythmic flow. This consistency is maintained throughout the poem, which is commendable as it provides a sense of unity and coherence to the piece.

However, the poem could benefit from the use of more vivid and unique imagery. While the images used are relatable and universal, they are also quite common in poetry. For example, "The warmth of the sun upon my face" or "The beauty of a starry night" are frequently used images. To make the poem more distinctive, consider exploring less conventional or more personal images that could still convey the same emotions or experiences.

The poem also leans heavily on the use of abstract concepts like "a loved one's touch, pure bliss," or "a kind act, a helping hand." While these are certainly things that can bring joy, the poem could be strengthened by grounding these concepts in more concrete images or scenarios. This would allow the reader to more fully engage with the poem and could deepen their emotional connection to it.

Lastly, the poem's theme of appreciating simple, everyday joys is clear and effectively communicated. However, the poem could benefit from a more nuanced exploration of this theme. Rather than simply listing things that make the speaker smile, consider delving deeper into why these things bring joy or how they impact the speaker's perspective on life. This could add an additional layer of depth to the poem and make it more engaging for the reader.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Hello, Clentin,
So many wonderful thoughts and feelings with this one. I especially like "An unexpected person, a new guest." Warm and inviting! Really enjoyed reading!

Thank you very much.,I appreciate it very much.

author comment

this is a warm and inviting piece of work, one that brings out the human side of relationships. [Unlike AI], which delves deeply
into the reasons for changing the lines and making for more difficult rhyming. I cannot see a more convincing way to say this makes me smile, than "A baby's laughter pure and wild" [which, BTW makes for the only near rhyme line.] Good job! ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thank you. The A1 always asks for more images that are not necessarily needed?

Thank you for reading and your comments, I appreciate it very much.

author comment

I don't hold that the AI is infallible. Not having the human emotional responses, makes for a reader that does not really understand what a great or even good poem is at times. I think that the AI can make judgments about what is technically good, but it does not always understand the pauses and line breaks that help with the reading and the making of an emotional tag. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Beautiful and heartwarming. This is wonderful!

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