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Dance Of The Skeletons

The night wind barked with a cold fervor

The stringy Willow trees served as observers

The mist started to gather upon the ground

There was not a single soul anywhere around

From the ground the mist it started its rise

In the night there were faint flickers of fireflies

Strewed around there were weeds and stones

To mark the places of the deep buried bones

They dug their way to the top of the ground

The skeletons danced to the animals sounds

All through the witched night this went on

Until it was time for the rise of the dawn

They wished they could dance again soon

Then all went back to their frigid tombs

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


The imagery used in the poem projected a terrifying atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


author comment

Great job! I can imagine the skeletons dancing and enjoying being above ground once again. This poem had the feel of being in a cemetery late at night, watching to see if anything should appear and what a sight that would have been for anyone hoping to catch a glimpse. Good flow and use of language as well.



Thanks RoseBlack. Your encouragement is always welcomed.

author comment
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