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Last Good bye

I sit alone
in the company of haunted memories
watching the white flakes
as they fell from the black sky
I shiver when it burns
soaked in embers...
the flame turns blue
watching in dread,
the ashes in hue
I live a thousand lives
to chase and to lose
the cycle continues
the ghost of a memory
vivid in my eye
to seek what is lost
to hear the unsaid
the whisper that echoes
tears never shed
relishing the warmth
that no longer exists
the light that is shadowed
slow as a flash
yet I sit alone
embracing the goodbye
choking on ash

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

Thank you for sharing your poem "Last Goodbye". It is a poignant and introspective piece that explores the theme of loss and the lingering memories that haunt us.

The opening lines effectively set the tone for the rest of the poem, with the speaker sitting alone in the company of their haunted memories. The use of imagery, such as the white flakes falling from the black sky, creates a sense of isolation and desolation.

The lines "I shiver when it burns / soaked in embers... / the flame turns blue" are particularly striking, as they convey a sense of pain and sorrow. The use of color imagery, with the flame turning blue, adds to the overall mood of the poem.

The repetition of the phrase "to chase and to lose" effectively captures the cyclical nature of the speaker's experience, as they continue to seek what is lost. The line "the ghost of a memory / vivid in my eye" is a powerful image that conveys the persistence

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