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lay as I sleep
falling into dark abyss
no path to tread
a bottomless pit
stumbling around
I search and search
for a guiding light
somewhere inside

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

Title: Lost


Thank you for sharing your poem, "Lost." I appreciate the introspective tone and the exploration of the theme of being lost. Here are some suggestions to further enhance your poem:

1. Imagery: Consider incorporating more vivid and specific imagery to help the reader visualize the experience of being lost. For example, instead of simply stating "falling into dark abyss," you could describe the sensation of falling, the colors or lack thereof, or any other sensory details that would heighten the reader's understanding of the situation.

2. Metaphorical Language: Explore the use of metaphors or other figurative language to convey the feeling of being lost. This could add depth and complexity to your poem. For instance, you could compare the search for a guiding light to a sailor navigating through a storm or a traveler seeking a compass in a foreign land.

3. Structure and Pacing: Consider experimenting with the structure and pacing of your poem to create a more engaging reading experience

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