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Damn my limerant brain,
Why is it so hard to let go of this,
Because to me she is my cocaine,
The reward is surely worth the risk,
The thing I wanted most will not be mine,
The efforts would be most treasured,
Thats why I shalt not reveal to her this rhyme,
To thou who's mere presence fills my head with pleasures.

Damn my limerant brain,
Just drop it,
There will never be a path,
I need my fix of my version of cocaine,
You're fixed in denial choosing not to accept the aftermath,
To the bottom of my soul it stings,
Leave it to me to fuck this up,
It feels like I'm being pulled by crimson strings,
Up and down side to side and managed to not spill my cup.

Damn this fucking life and it's cards,
Dealt me a dead hand,
Sometimes I feel like I should just fold these shards,
This weight makes it so I barely stand,
It's pressure is crushing,
Skin bones and all even my soul,
When all these repeated thoughts come back rushing,
Take these cards and shove them up your fucking asshole.

I'm utterly terrified of where this goes
How can I jump off this coaster,
Without cutting off my fingers and toes,
I can't just cover it up with a simple poster.

I don't want to let the bridge burn. It's like watching my own dismemberment. I wish my limerant brain would learn I'm just swishing in my mouth and swallowing resentment,

Wishing I could shed my limerant brain,
so numb I can't even cry anymore,
to me she is better than cocaine,
feels like the millionth time but I stopped keeping score,
at 7004

Shut up limerant brain, I'm going insane.
It's like a drug injected in my vein
My version of cocaine only I can't be allowed to have any,
I'm lost in the longing as limerence obsesses,
distinct in its own right compared to many,
pain that rivals the pain of tooth abscesses

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Explicit Content
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