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Season's Emotions... December Contest

I feel the Christmas spirit
and wonder why just now?
Is it the festive decorations
do they bring it out somehow?

Or is it merry children's faces
sitting on Santa's lap?
Maybe it's a dog wearing
antlers on his little cap

Is it buying X-Mas presents
or receiving some?
Feeling songs and music
about a kid and drum?

Maybe Christ and someone's savior
has come to deliver us
from the Devil and his minions
want to throw us before the bus

Feeling warm and fuzzy emotions
it is so very nice
Helping little old ladies walking
on the snow and ice

I don't care what the reason
I like feeling the glow
Is it because of Christmas?
I don't want to know

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


do not be afraid of happiness no matter the source. (unless you have just killed someone. even the the reason for this comes into question, lol) my advice to you is to enjoy those happy feelings, because they are too far and few in between. a good write, most enjoyable!

thanks, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

I think it's all together bring happiness to our weary hearts that all long for such seasons.
You've captured the spirit of the season so well.
May all the days hold happiness to you and yours.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Obvious your tone at the last stanza was an expression of being negative. Maybe, any thing that has to do with festivity never gets you excited. You take each day as a normal thing or way of life without being bothered about the name of the celebration.

'I don't care what the reason
I like feeling the glow
Is it because of Christmas?
I don't want to know'

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


Hi, Geezer,
I don't want to know, either. I don't want to think too hard about it, but just "feel the glow!" I agree, you've captured the spirit of the season!

the reason for our joy! Glad to see you are in the Christmas spirit.


I’m not religious. I was raised Catholic and I went to church and catechism until confirmation. I swiftly separated from the church and their beliefs. Christmas was very much like two holidays; there was this holy night aspect and also rabid consumerism. As an adult though I do absolutely get nostalgic feelings. See, I do believe in miracles, and magic, and just profound beauty of astronomical chance. I took an awful lot of time for us to be here all on this planet and we owe each that giving spirit. Giving of tolerance, patience, even love. I think Christmas reminds us that it’s kind of our job here the be kind regardless of religious entanglement.

Obviously great rhythm, rhyme, execution.

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