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Special Announcement

I'd like to announce that I have published my first novel, The Price of Justice, and it is now available for pre-order on Amazon and KPD for only $4.99!

If you have any questions or would like me to supply more information, please feel free to contact me! Find more information at TheSPryor on Writco, ShelbyGPryor on Tumblr, and TikTok @Morgan280624. Please don't hesitate to dm me for more information.

"The Price of Justice description."

In the sprawling city of Dallas, Justice Taylor stands alone. A recent transfer to the vibrant city, she's traded her past for the badge of a Texas Ranger. With no family to speak of and her only friend serving time for murder, Justice thrives on the solitude of her new life. Her days are defined by relentless training—she's a 10th-degree black belt, a fierce competitor, and her aim is deadly. Beneath her unassuming exterior lies a formidable force.

But Dallas holds more than just a fresh start for Justice. A sinister mystery overshadows the city in a dark cloud of fear. Young girls are disappearing, their lives extinguished by a ruthless killer known only as Midnight. As Justice delves deeper into the chilling case, a wave of death threats follows her every move, casting a shadow of impending danger. The relentless pursuit of this deadly predator will test her resilience like never before.

In a high-stakes game of deception, Justice undertakes the biggest challenge of her life—going undercover in a merciless drug ring. It's a world tainted by the legacy of her estranged father, a man whose past she thought she'd escaped. But her mission forces her to confront more than just her demons; it brings her closer to a confrontation with her darkest fears, inching towards a reckoning she's long tried to avoid.

As 'The Price of Justice' unfolds, it becomes a relentless rollercoaster of suspense, where danger lurks around every corner. Secrets buried deep in the past resurface, loyalties are tested, and the chilling climax draws near. Get ready for a heart-pounding journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat, as Justice battles not only her daunting adversaries but also the haunting shadows of her own history.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This piece seems to be more of a promotional announcement and a novel description than a poem. It does not exhibit traditional poetic elements such as rhythm, rhyme, metaphor, or imagery. The use of language is more aligned with prose, specifically the genre of a novel synopsis or book blurb, rather than poetry.

If this was intended to be a poem, it would be recommended to incorporate more poetic devices and structure. If it was intended as a promotional piece or novel description, it does a good job of introducing the main character and setting up the suspense and conflict in the story. However, it might benefit from a more concise structure, as some details could potentially be condensed or omitted to maintain reader interest.

In terms of the promotional aspect, it is clear and direct in its purpose, providing information about where and how to purchase the novel, as well as where to find more information. However, it could benefit from a more engaging and persuasive language to entice potential readers.

It is not feasible to offer feedback on this piece as a poem, as it does not exhibit the characteristics of poetry.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Congratulations. I hope your book does well. Ruby :)

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

Thank you for your support!

author comment

Good luck Shelby, I hope you do well with your novel. I'll get a copy though crime thrillers, with the exception of Samuel Bjork, are not my normal choice. Good luck to you, Alex

Thank you for your support! The eBook is currently available for pre-order, and will be available for purchase on October 5th. The paperback is available for sale now. I hope you enjoy it!!!

author comment

congratulations on your book being published and good luck to you! will there be more books in this genre to come?

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Yes! I write only crime fiction. The second book in this series (The Justice Series) is expected to be released late next year!

author comment

Best wishes for success!

Thank you!!! I really appreciate it!!

author comment
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