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I am ice

Who am I,

I am the destroyer of worlds,

The one who conquers all that seek me out,

At first I feed you pleasure,

Until your too deep in my grasp to resist,

And I don't just want part of you,

I persist until I capture all of you entirely.

I don't have any reason,

Except to watch as you suffer and squirm,

Then I'll start leaking out to make the ones you love suffer by your own hand.

You'll be hooked from the first,

Either way you will never be the same,

I'm the decision you'll want reversed,

I hold the contract that forces you to play my game.

Are you sure you want to know me,

Let me in and I will break you,

It's a promise I always keep,

I feed off despair and hopelessness,

Which are also gifts I bring into you.

Some describe my onslaught as war,

I'll always make you want more, while you're laying dying on the floor.

Not very long and I'll rule your life,

There will be no exceptions,

Not even your mother, sister, or wife,

Can escape if I become part of their perceptions,

I'll make sure I'm your only friend,

So if anyone attacks me you'll defend.

If you're not careful,

Even I will tell you,

I will kill you, it's not a lie,

It's not some fiction your loved ones are trying to sell you,

Even with that knowledge,You still will deny,

I'll never let you see your achievements, I'll make you just cry

No matter how much they mean to you,

Yes I will sink so low to be mischievous,

I take your wealth so you can't even afford a shoe.

Each and every time you'll take my side,

I will never let you let me go,

I'll tell you again you're along for the ride,

Believe it or not I will make it so, and watch my plague grow.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
This is a POV first person themed poem. Just for fun, can anybody guess what this is about and who is supposed to be the one speaking?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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