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Twin Flame

To me my sweetheart you are a moment of bliss,
You are true perfection sealed in a kiss,
The epitome of love enchanted and refined,
I adore your soul, heart, body, spirit and mind.

Your spiritual essence is of idealisms fire,
And effortless grace of such subliminal desire,
Evoking such wonder through the starlight in your eyes,
Of such majestic pride and courage from deep inside.

The purity of your essence inspiring my heart,
And resplendent golden soul embodied in my art,
Your passion for inspiration connecting high above,
Awakening my creative spark through the energies of love.

For lifetimes I have loved you and still on forever,
Echoes of the lifelines and good times we shared together,
Like a truth innate to the soul in every single way,
You empower and heal my heart each and every day.

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